Page 241 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 241

8. Can be used in conjunction with modern medical practices to increase success

                                rates of intra-uterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilisation (IVF),
                                intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), increasing pregnancy rates by 15-45%.

                     Programme for the care of women with infertility

                            The course of treatment consists of 10 sessions, averaging 2-4 courses per person,
                     or can be combined with IUI and IVF.

                     Procedures Guidelines

                            1. Massage for health promotion and balancing the body: 3 times per week
                                continuously for 9 weeks.

                            2. Hot salt pot compression for balancing the body, adjusting menstrual cycle,
                                and increasing internal heat of the uterus: 3 times per week continuously for

                                9 weeks.
                            3. Ya Tai Phit Lohit (Blood detoxification medication) is prescribed for certain

                            4. Acupuncture to stimulate egg development and quality ovulation, 2 times per

                                week continuously for 9 weeks.
                            5. Herbal steam bath to stimulate blood circulation, once per week continuously

                                for 9 weeks. The steaming session lasts for 30 minutes, divided into 2 rounds
                                of 15 minutes each. Afterward, take a rest and drink warm herbal water.

                            6. Herbal medication treatment to normalise menstrual cycle, each herbal
                                medication is prescribed for no longer than 7 days.

                            This treatment is used for women with menstrual problems, such as menstrual
                     blood clots, dysmenorrhea, abdominal bloating while having period, or menstrual

                     irregularity.  TTM doctors will evaluate patient’s condition and dhatu strength before
                     compounding extemporaneous herbal preparations suitable for each patient.

                     Strengths/Success Factors

                            1. Received  support  for  the  development  of Thai  traditional  medicine  services
                                from the hospital director (Dr. Kitti Rattanasombat) and the head of the

                                pharmacy department (Ms. Nuchnad Tassato).
                            2. The  programme  for  the  treatment  of  women  with  infertility  integrates Thai

                                traditional medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, with modern medical


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