Page 246 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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including inpatient, outpatient, community, and home visits, based on the readiness of

                      the healthcare providers and the needs of the patients and their families.

                             Main  objective  is  to  rehabilitate  intermediate  care patients  by  establishing  a

                      continuous care system for groups of patients in need, particularly stroke, acute brain
                      injury, and spinal cord injury patients, with the following specific objectives: -

                             1.  To provide guidelines for TTM personnel at all levels of public health service
                                 facilities to treat post-acute and stable stroke and TBI patients in collaboration

                                 with interdisciplinary teams,
                             2.  To reduce disabilities in stroke and TBI patients,

                             3.  To reduce urinary tract infections in patients with foley catheters,
                             4.  To stimulate bowel movements in patients with constipation problem, and

                             5.  To enhance self-care and patient-care skills in patients and their relatives and
                                 establish a continuum of patient-care plans from hospital to home and

                                 community settings.
                             Secondary objective is to reduce overcrowding of stroke, traumatic brain injury,

                      and spinal cord injury patients in regional and general hospitals and bed occupancy
                      rate in community hospitals, and to allocate local health resources more efficiently.


                             Wattha Nakorn Hospital started providing rehabilitation services for stroke patients
                      from July 2010. The multidisciplinary team has developed a rehabilitation programme,
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                      applying  Thai traditional medicine  and alternative medicine care in 12-bedded home
                      ward and in 2018, the hospital established the “Intermediate Care Rehabilitation Centre

                      (IMC)” with 16 beds at present, for the treatment of four diseases, i.e., stroke, spinal
                      cord injury, traumatic brain injury, hip fracture, and other diseases such as muscle

                      weakness,  herniated  disc,  senility,  knee  osteoarthritis,  etc. The  IMC  Centre  consists  of
                      the following components:

                             1.  Multidisciplinary care team, led by a physician who serves as a stroke director
                                 and a physician from Sa Kaeo Crown Prince Hospital works as consultant.

                             2.  Rehabilitation guideline for stroke patients of Sa Kaeo Province.
                             3.  Patient and family care education and skill development

                             4.  Standardised discharge plan and continuous care in the community.


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