Page 247 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 247


                            The integration of TTM and alternative medicine for intermediate care of patients
                     was evaluated during the period of 2020-2022, with a total of 418 patients.  The

                     breakdown for each year was as follows:

                            •  Year 2020: 130 patients in total, including 116 stroke patients, 9 TBI patients,
                               and  5  spinal  cord  injury  patients.  The  assessment  results  of  Activity  of
                               Daily Living (ADL) showed that 52.63% had 20  ADL scores, 35.97%

                               improved  ADL for all activities, 7.90% had stable  ADL scores, and 3.50%

                               passed away.
                            •  Year 2021: 148 patients in total, including 122 stroke patients, 6 hip fracture
                               patients, and 7 spinal cord injury patients. The ADL assessment results showed

                               that 40.15% had 20  ADL scores, 43.07% improved  ADL for all activities,

                               10.21% had stable ADL scores, and 6.57% passed away.
                            •  Year 2022: 140 patients in total, including 90 stroke patients, 1 hip fracture
                               patient, 1 spinal cord injury patient, and 1 TBI patient. The ADL assessment

                               results  showed  that  37.36%  had  20 ADL  scores,  33.33%  improved ADL  for

                               all activities, 12.90% had stable ADL scores, 5.30% passed away, and 4.30%
                               were relocated.
                            Thai traditional medicine and alternative medicine services have been provided

                     at all levels of health service facilities, allowing for integration with multidisciplinary

                     teams for the treatment, health promotion, disease prevention, and rehabilitation. There
                     are guidelines for the standard care of patients with stroke, hip fractures, spinal cord
                     injuries, and traumatic brain injuries who have recovered from the acute phase to a

                     stable condition, including regular follow-ups to continuously receive manual therapies

                     of TTM and acupuncture. Patients having continuous care from hospital to the community
                     level showed significant improvement of their quality of life.



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