Page 234 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 234

2.  Sawang Dandin Crown Prince Hospital, Sakon Nakhon


                          (2017 National Excellent Model of Community Hospital, Diamond Level)

                             Best practice: “Integrative care of intermediate care (IMC) patients”
                             Format/Process: Background of patient care in Intermediate Care (IMC) Unit
                             •  In 2013, the hospital established Stroke Unit, where TTM doctors were also

                                involved in providing TTM manual therapies for the rehabilitation of stroke

                             •  In 2018, a trial run of TTM service for IPD patients was started, it was found
                                that clinical outcome was satisfying; however, the cost of care was high.

                             •  In  2019,  the  hospital  collaborated  with  the  National  Health  Security  Office

                                (NHSO) to modify IMC care for stroke patients, allowing TTM doctors to be
                                the key person of the patient-care team. The pilot test of IMC-TTM patient
                                care model was launched in Health Region 8 at Sawang Dandin Crown

                                Prince Hospital, and the model allowed for higher reimbursement claims from

                                NHSO.  This IMC-TTM model of Sawang Dandin Crown Prince Hospital
                                serves as a prototype for expansion to other regions. Initially, IMC care was
                                given to four groups of patients suffered from, i.e.,

                                1.  Stroke

                                2.  Traumatic brain injury
                                3.  Spinal cord injury
                                4.  Fractured hip
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report

                      Medical doctors and nurses assess patients based on eight main admittance


                             1.  Duration after the latest occurrence of neurological symptoms does not exceed
                                 5 months.
                             2.  Stable vital signs for at least 48 hours.

                             3.  Stable neurological signs and symptoms for at least 48 hours.

                             4.  Barthel  Index ADL  score  <15  or  ≥15  with  impairments  of  at  least  2  basic
                                 daily activities
                             5.  Being ready to participate in rehabilitation programmes, conscious and being

                                 able to follow instructions.


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