Page 235 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 235

6. No underlying diseases or comorbidity that are severe or in uncontrollable

                                state,  such  as  heart  diseases  (acute  cardiac  event,  congestive  heart  failure,
                                myocardial infarction, cardiomyopathy), renal failure, pulmonary emphysema,

                                cancer, abdominal aortic aneurysm, etc.
                            7. No severe and uncontrollable complications, such as systemic infections, lower

                                limb deep vein thrombosis, etc.
                            8. Not on ventilator or on oxygen.

                     The services are provided in three formats

                            1. Newly admitted patients are placed in the Stroke Unit. Issues encountered
                                include 30% of patients having problems with incorrect herbal medicine usage,

                                and some patients seeking late medical attention due to beliefs in supernatural

                                causes, resulting in consulting traditional healers or monks.
                            2. Patients who have passed the critical phase are placed in the Intermediate
                                Care group (OPD/IPD), with education provided to both patients and their


                            3. Long-term care patients receive home visits.
                              Additionally, guidelines for the care, treatment, and rehabilitation of IMC patients
                     are developed and implemented through interdisciplinary collaboration, including Thai

                     traditional medicine networks from hospitals to communities.



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