Page 49 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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Control Authorities. Drug Controller cum Licensing Authorities are available

                                 in the States. Drugs Technical  Advisory Board is established to advise the
                                 Government  on  all  aspects  related  to  Quality  Control  and  standardisation

                                 of  Ayurveda,  Siddha  and  Unani  drugs.  Independent  Drugs  Consultative
                                 Committees comprising State Drugs Licensing Authorities are set up to secure

                                 uniformity in the administration of Act. The Drugs & Magic Remedies Act,
                                 1954 prohibits advertisements of certain drugs & magic remedies. Emerging

                                 global developments in the area of drug regulatory compliance are incorporated
                                 for ASU&H medicines in accordance with the national health circumstances

                                 and regulatory needs of standardisation & quality control, research &
                                 development of ASU&H drugs.

                             b) Provisions relating to Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani Drugs are contained
                                 in section 3a, section 3h (i), section 33B to 33 O of Chapter IVA, First

                                 Schedule of  the  Drugs  and  Cosmetics  Act,  1940.  Further in  Drugs  and
                                 Cosmetics  Rules, 1945, Rules 151  to 170, Schedules E(I), T & TA pertain

                                 to Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani drugs.
                             c) Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani Drugs Technical Advisory Board (ASUDTAB)

                                 and Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani Drugs Consultative Committee (ASUDCC)
                                 are statutory bodies under the Drugs and Cosmetics Act to advise the Central

                                 and State Governments on technical matters and for securing uniformity
                                 throughout the country in the administration of the Act

                             d) Provision for Licensing of Traditional Medicine Products:  Rules 151
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                 to 159 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules, 1945 provide the regulatory

                                 provisions for grant of licenses to manufacture Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani
                                 drugs and promote their safety and quality. Licensing Authorities are appointed

                                 by the State Governments to oversee the enforcement of legal provisions for
                                 the manufacture and sale of ASU drugs. Good Manufacturing Practices and

                                 adherence to standards of drugs as prescribed in the pharmacopoeia are
                                 mandatory for the manufacturing of licensed products to ensure quality, safety

                                 and efficacy of ASU medicines. The commercial production of ASU&H drugs
                                 without license is not permitted. Compliance to Good Manufacturing Practices

                                 (GMP) is mandatory for obtaining manufacturing license. Requirement of
                                 In-house testing laboratories is prescribed under Drugs and Cosmetics Rules,

                                 1945, Schedule T for the GMP of  ASU Manufacturing units and Schedule
                                 M1 for Homoeopathy drugs manufacturing units. The units which don’t have


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