Page 52 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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Pharmacovigilance Co-ordination Centre (NPvCC) for the implementation of the National

                     Pharmacovigilance  programme for  Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani & Homoeopathy drugs.
                     Objectionable advertisements are being reported to the respective State Licensing Authorities

                     by PPv Catregularintervals.

                     8.6  National Accreditation Board (NABH)

                            To provide safety and efficacy in the Service sector National Accreditation Board
                     for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH) is a constituent board of the Quality

                     Council of India, set up to establish and operate an accreditation programme for
                     healthcare  organisations. It  is  made to  operate  accreditation and allied  programmes in

                     collaboration with stakeholders focusing on patient safety and quality of healthcare based
                     upon national/international standards, through the process of self and external evaluation.

                     Ayush Hospital Accreditation Programme for Ayush hospitals encompasses relevant &
                     comprehensive quality assurance standards for each system i.e.  Ayurveda,  Yoga and

                     Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, Homoeopathy Hospitals and Panchakarma clinics has
                     separate accreditation standards as per their individual system of medicine and

                     requirements. These are in natural alignment to the Hospital Standards, with a community
                     focus. Ministry has initiated steps to get all its hospitals accredited as per National

                     Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers (NABH). It is going successfully
                     and so far 153 Ayush hospitals and 40 Panchkarma clinics have been accredited.

                     8.7  The Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS)

                            It is the National Standards Body engaged in formulating Indian Standards in

                     various fields. For the formulation of Indian Standards, BIS functions through a process
                     of consensus involving consumers, manufacturers, government and regulatory bodies,

                     technologists, scientists and testing laboratories through duly constituted technical
                     committees.  About 360 sectional committees with qualified technical and scientific

                     personnel and over 16,282 experts are voluntarily associated with the standardisation
                     activity. With its core activities, BIS benefits the national economy by providing safe,

                     reliable and quality goods; minimizing health hazards to consumers; protecting the
                     environment; promoting exports and imports substitutes; controlling over proliferation

                     of varieties etc. BIS has so far formulated over 22,000 standards across diverse sectors,
                     which have helped the industry in the upgradation of the quality of goods and services.



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