Page 47 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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Autonomous Boards under NCISM & NCH

                             As per NCISM  Act, 2020, separate autonomous boards have been constituted
                      under the Commission namely, (i) Board of Ayurveda and (ii) Board of Unani, Siddha

                      and Sowa Rigpa for education policy related matters; (iii) Medical Assessment and

                      Rating Board for Indian System of Medicine for Assessment and Rating of Medical
                      Institutions of Indian System of Medicine; (iv) Board of Ethics and Registration for
                      Indian System of Medicine  to address the issues related to Ethics and Registration

                      of the Indian System of Medicine practitioners.

                             As per NCH Act, 2020, separate autonomous boards have been constituted under
                      the Commission namely, (i)  Homoeopathy Education Board  for education policy
                      related matters; (ii)  Medical Assessment and Rating Board for Homoeopathy  for

                      Assessment and Rating of Medical Institutions of Homoeopathy; (iii) Board of Ethics

                      and  Registration  for  Homoeopathy  to  address  the  issues  related  to  Ethics  and
                      Registration of the Homoeopathy practitioners.
                             A. The provision for recognition of practitioners for ISM (Ayurveda, Unani,

                                 Siddha & Sowa Rigpa) are provided under Section 33(1) of the National

                                 Commission for Indian System of Medicine Act, 2020 which is reproduced
                                 below as follows:
                                       “Any person who has a recognised qualification in Indian System of

                                 Medicine under this  Act and qualifies the National Exit  Test held under

                                 section 15 shall be granted a licence to practise Indian System of Medicine
                                 and shall have his name and qualifications enrolled first in the State Register
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                 and subsequently in the National Register maintained under this Act: Provided

                                 that a person who has been registered in the Central Register of Indian

                                 System of Medicine maintained under the Indian Medicine Central Council
                                 Act, 1970 prior to the coming into force of this Act and before the National
                                 Exit Test becomes operational under sub-section (3) of section 15, shall be

                                 deemed to have been registered under this Act and be enrolled in the National

                                 Register maintained under this Act.”
                             B. The provision for recognition of practitioners for Homoeopathy  are
                                 provided under Section 33(1) of the National Commission for Homeopathy

                                 Act, 2020 which is reproduced below as follows:

                                       “Any person who has a recognised medical qualification in Homoeopathy
                                 under this  Act and qualifies the National Exit Test held under section 15
                                 shall have a licence to practise Homoeopathy and shall have his name and


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