Page 53 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 53

BIS established a dedicated standardisation department for TM (Ayush) systems

                      to deal with the standardisation work in TM (Ayush)-related subjects. Before the creation
                      of a separate Department, the standardisation work related to Ayush systems was being

                      done across different departments such as Food and  Agriculture Department (FAD),
                      Medical Equipment & Hospital Planning Department (MHD) and the Service Sector

                      Department (SSD). Total 58 standards focusing on different topics like single herbs (47),
                      Ayurveda and Yoga terminologies (6), Panchakarma equipment (2), Yoga mat, Yoga centre

                      -service requirements and test methods for pesticide residue have been published. Thirty-
                      three  documents  related  to  single  herbs  are  under  publication,  and  more  than  50

                      documents are in different stages of development. Published Standards (AYD). Available

                      subcommtt?depi d=MTA5&aspect=&doe=&dt_from=&dt_to=.

                      8.8  Good Clinical Practice Guidelines for Clinical Trials in Ayurveda,

                           Siddha and Unani Medicine:

                             GCP for  ASU guidelines facilitates the researchers and institutions in adopting
                      a standard way of Good Clinical Practice while conducting the ASU clinical trials. The

                      guidelines are addressed to investigators and all those, who are interested, concerned,
                      involved and affected with the conduct of clinical trials on ASU Drugs. Further, Central

                      Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) had developed three comprehensive
                      and concise Guidelines focusing on
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                             a) General Guidelines for Drug Development of  Ayurvedic Formulations
                                 (Standardisation and quality assurance);

                             b) General Guidelines of Safety/Toxicity Evaluation of Ayurvedic Formulations
                             c)  General Guidelines for Clinical Evaluation of Ayurvedic Interventions

                             These Guidelines (available at

                      encompassed with research practices may be suitably adopted and followed by investigators
                      in  the field  of  Ayurveda  system  such  as Research  organisations, academic institutions

                      and Investigators seeking grant from schemes of different agencies funding for research
                      on AYUSH system, would certainly help the investigators while designing and formulating

                      the proposals and also planning academic industrial research in the field of  AYUSH


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