Page 37 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 37

iv. supporting the development of sustainable livelihood systems through

                                      involving local communities and establishing forward and backward
                                      market linkages in processing of medicinal plants.

                                  v. strengthening steps for farming of herbal plants.
                             c) Preventive and Promotive Health:  Promotion of healthy living and

                                 prevention strategies  from  AYUSH  systems and Yoga at the work-place, in
                                 the schools and in the community.

                             d) Organisation of Ayush in Public Health Care Delivery: from stand-alone
                                 to a three-dimensional mainstreaming of AYUSH services at the level of Public

                                 Health Care (Primary, Secondary & Tertiary healthcare).
                             e) Primary Care Services and Continuity of Care: access to assured Ayush

                                 healthcare services, as well as support documentation and validation of local
                                 home and community-based practices

                             f)  Urban Health Care:  prioritise the utilisation of Ayush personnel in urban
                                 health care

                             g) Integrated care:  developing protocol for mainstreaming  AYUSH as an
                                 integrated medical care

                             h) Leveraging Digital  Tools for  Ayush:  Digital tools would be used for
                                 generation and sharing of information about  AYUSH services and  AYUSH

                                 practitioners, for traditional community level healthcare providers and for
                                 household level preventive, promotive and curative practices.

              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                             National Health Policy 2017 accessible at:

                      2.4  Integrative Health Policy

                             The Government of India has taken an initiative for formulating a new integrative
                      health policy focusing on the following core aspects which would certainly offer provisions

                      for effective implementation of integrative health in the Country:
                             a) Research & Development

                             b) Education
                             c) Clinical practice

                             d) Public health


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