Page 35 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 35

Zang-Bum therapy                      Sowa-Rigpa Health care services

                      g. Homoeopathy
                             Homoeopathy is a combination of two Greek words: Homois and Pathos. Homois

                      means similar and pathos means suffering. It is based on the theory that the causation
                      of a disease mainly depends upon the susceptibility or proneness of an individual to

                      the incidence of the disease in addition to the action of external agents like bacteria,
                      viruses etc. Homoeopathy is a method of treating diseases by administering drugs which

                      have been experimentally proved to possess the power to produce similar symptoms on
                      healthy human beings. It is based on the following principles:

                             i.  The first principle of Homoeopathy ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’, says that a
                                 medicine which could induce a set of symptoms in healthy human beings

                                 would be capable of curing a similar set of symptoms in human beings
                                 suffering from the disease.
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                             ii. The second principle of ‘Single Medicine’ says that one medicine should be
                                 administered at a time to a particular patient during the treatment.

                             iii. The third principle  of  ‘Minimum Dose’  stated  that  36 the  bare  minimum
                                 dose  of  a  drug  which  would  induce  a  curative  action  without  any  adverse

                                 effect should be administered.

                             Homoeopathy has its own areas of strength in therapeutics, and it is particularly
                      useful in treatment for allergies, autoimmune disorders and viral infections. Behavioural

                      disorder, Neurological problems and Metabolic diseases can also be successfully treated
                      by  Homoeopathy.  Apart  from  the  curative  aspects,  Homoeopathic  medicines  are  also

                      used in preventive and promotive healthcare.


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