Page 30 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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iii.  Salakya (disease of supra-clavicular origin) - This branch deals with

                                   dentistry, diseases of ear, nose, throat, oral cavity, head and their treatment
                                   by using special techniques.

                               iv.  Kaumarabhrtya (paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology) - This branch
                                   deals with childcare as well as the care of the woman before, during and

                                   after pregnancy. It also elaborates various diseases of women and children
                                   and their management.

                                v.  Bhootavidya (psychiatry) - This is the study of mental diseases and their
                                   treatment. Treatment methods include medicines, diet regulation, psycho-

                                   behavioural therapy, and spiritual therapy.
                               vi.  Agada Tantra (toxicology) - This branch deals with the treatment of toxins

                                   from vegetables, minerals and animal origin along with development of
                                   their antidotes. The pollution of air, water, habitats and seasons has been

                                   given special consideration in understanding epidemics and pandemics.
                              vii.  Rasayana Tantra  (rejuvenation and geriatrics) - This branch which

                                   is unique to Ayurveda, deals with prevention of diseases and promotion
                                   of a long and healthy life.

                              viii.  Vajikarana (Aphrodisiology and eugenics) - This branch deals with the
                                   means of enhancing sexual vitality and efficiency for producing healthy

                                   and ideal progeny.

                            1.1.2  Salient features of Ayurveda:

                                i.  Comprehensive definition of health: - Ayurveda defines health as a state
                                   of equilibrium of  Dosa  (regulatory and functional entities of the body),

                                   Dhatu  (structural  entities),  Mala  (excretory  entities)  and  Agni  (digestive
                                   and metabolic factors) along with healthy state of sensory and motor

                                   organs and mind with their harmonious relationship with the soul.  As
                                   against the definition of health, the diseased state is defined in Ayurveda

                                   as a loss of equilibrium of essential body constituents. The strength of
                                   Ayurveda lies in its three-fold holistic approach of prevention of disease,

                                   promotion of health and cure of disease.



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