Page 29 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 29

a. Ayurveda

                             Ayurveda is the time-tested comprehensive traditional system of medicine of India.
                      The term ‘Ayurveda’ meaning ‘the knowledge of life’ comprises of two Sanskrit words

                      viz., ‘Ayu’ meaning ‘Life’ and ‘Veda’ meaning ‘Knowledge’ or ‘Science’.

                             Ayurveda was established as a fully grown medical system from the period of
                      Samhita (compendium) i.e., around 1000 BC. The compendia like Caraka Samhita and
                      Susruta Samhita were written in a systematic manner with eight specialties during this

                      period. In these treatises, the basic tenets and therapeutic techniques of  Ayurveda

                      got very much organised and enunciated.  These treatises stressed the importance of
                      maintenance of health and also expanded their vision to pharmaco-therapeutics.
                      The therapeutic properties of plants, animal products and minerals were extensively

                      described in these compendia, which has made  Ayurveda a comprehensive system of

                      health care. Further, vivid descriptions are found about the location, building, personnel
                      and amenities of hospital-Aturalaya, a maternity home, Sutikargriha, a nursery sisugriha
                      and a pharmacy.

                             The essential details of Caraka Samhita and Susruta Samhita were compiled and

                      further  updated  in  the  treatises  Astanga  Sahgraha  and  Astanga  Hrdaya  authored  by
                      Vrddha Vagbhata and Vagbhata during 6 - 7 Century AD. Thus, the main three treatises
                      called  Brhattrayi i.e.,  Caraka Samhita,  Susruta Samhita and  Astanga Sangraha formed

                      basis for subsequent scholars to write texts and among them three concise classics i.e.,

                      Madhava Nidana, Sarngadhara Samhita and Bhava Prakasa having distinct features are
                      called as  Laghutrayi. Some other eminent practitioners and visionaries like  Kasyapa,
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                      Bhela, and Harita also wrote their respective compendia.

                             Presently Ayurveda has well-regulated undergraduate, post graduate and doctorate

                      education in India. Commendable network of practitioners and manufactures exists.
                      Infrastructure  development  in  private  and  public  sectors  has  improved  the  outreach  to
                      the community in a commendable way.

                             1.1.1  Astanga  Ayurveda  (Eight  Branches  of  Ayurveda):  -  Ayurveda  was
                                    divided into eight major clinical specialties.

                                 i.  Kayacikitsa (internal medicine) - This branch deals with general ailments

                                    of adults not treated by other branches of Ayurveda.
                                 ii.  Salya Tantra (surgery) - This branch deals with various surgical operations
                                    using different surgical instruments and devices. Medical treatment of

                                    surgical diseases is also mentioned.


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