Page 24 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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7. The regulatory system of TM professionals and TM


                            Bhutan Qualifications and Professionals Certification  Authority is responsible

                     for licensing and monitoring all aspects of clinical knowledge and services related to all
                     TM professionals.  All the  TM products are monitored and regulated by the Bhutan
                     Food and Drug Regulatory  Authority which is responsible to ensure safe and quality

                     traditional medicine products. Further, all the necessary medicinal resources required for

                     the  production  of  traditional  medicines  are  regulated  by  the  Department  of  Forest
                     and Park Services, Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources in collaboration with
                     TM fraternity.

                     8. National TM Pharmacopoeias

                            Today 123 essential traditional medicines are produced

                     based on the Bhutanese  Traditional Medicine formulary and

                     monograph  using  more  than 250 raw materials  (high-altitude
                     medicinal plants, low-altitude medicinal plants and minerals). All
                     the essential medicines are rigorously checked for quality before

                     they are mobilised to the hospitals to ensure safe and quality

                     essential traditional medicines.

                     9. National Research Institutes

                            All the necessary research related to medicinal resources and traditional medicine
                     knowledge is jointly undertaken by the Ministry of Health, National Medical Services,
                     Department  of Forest  and park Services  and the National Biodiversity Centre.  At the

                     same time, all the issues related to the various medicinal products are overseen by the

                     National Traditional Medicine Services (NTMS) and Traditional Medicine Division (TMD)
                     with technical backstopping from the Menjong Sorig Pharmaceutical Corporation Limited
                     (MSPCL) and Royal Centre for Disease Control (RCDC).

                     10. Database/Web portal/Journal under National office

                            Though there is no comprehensive database related to  TM, all the essential

                     databases (information) required like human resources, medicinal resources and  TK

                     holders  are  maintained  by  the Traditional  Medicine  Division  and  National Traditional
                     Medicine Services.                                                                              Bhutan


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