Page 220 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 220

The department of Gynae has started bearing its services for various diseases

                      incorporating therapies and ayurvedic procedures with successful results. The hospital
                      makes its own essential medicine in powder form at its own ownership that is distributed

                      freely for both IPD & OPD patients.

                                         Pic 1: History of Ayurveda Hospital in different stages

                             During  the  time  of  Covid-19  and  after  that  the  hospital  took a  major  leap  in
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                      number of services delivered. The graphs and record of the hospital are touching the

                      new landmarks in comparison to its own challenging past. The hospital aims on adding
                      new hospital blocks to increase new extensive services. The hospital has been delivering

                      social security schemes to the senior citizens, needy and economically challenged
                      individuals on its own. Recently, this year the hospital is funded by the Nepal government

                      to  carry out a  social security  scheme  to the  needed  population. The  hospital  is also
                      aiming to carry Geriatric care services in a 50-bed extension.

                      Journey to Reform (2019-2023)

                             The journey to reform the oldest TM hospital started with a dream to bring out

                      the best TM services into the public eye and community reach. The hospital needed
                      massive transformation  in  terms of  skillful human resources, infrastructure,  hygiene,

                      sanitation, basic water supply, green areas, waste management, old structure renovation


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