Page 219 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 219

Best Practice of


                     Integrated Service Delivery Approach in Self-sustaining of Traditional
                     Medicine Public Hospital: Nepal’s Experience

                            Nepal has always been in the globe ever since world history came into calculation.
                     The small Himalayan country has its deep-rooted health interventions embedded in their

                     culture, tradition and way of life. The traditional medicinal system of Nepal has a long
                     history  on  itself. There  are  no  families  in  this  country  who  do  not  know  at  least  5-10

                     herbs and their usage in some health context. The centuries long healing tradition of
                     Nepal in the form of traditional healers finally got systematised around 107 years ago

                     with establishment of one bedded Ayurveda Hospital in 1916 A.D in Kathmandu.
                            The hospital is the third oldest hospital of Nepal. The hospital infrastructure,

                     human resources and service delivery was in need of massive upgrades. The hospital has
                     been continuously growing amidst the challenges of varying country’s health policy and

                     political instabilities. The hospital now runs 100 beds in addition to 18 Cabin and 25
                     HDU bed sanctioned. However, the number of designated staffs allocated by the

                     government remains  the same. Recently, only 17  Ayurveda  doctors,  17 nurses,  44
                     paramedics and 47 helpers are working in this hospital (from the government as well

                     as Hospital Development Committee).
                            Today the hospital gets cross referrals from major government and private hospitals

                     of Western medicine. The rehabilitative and palliative care with Panchakarma, Acupuncture
                     and Physiotherapy in combination has brought the best outcomes in neuromuscular

                     cases. The anorectal cases with recurrent Fistula-in Ano are best treated in this hospital
                     with high flow of patients from all over the country. Huge number of patients visit the

                     internal  medicine OPD for gastrointestinal,  liver,  non-communicable lifestyle  related
                     diseases.                                                                                   209

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