Page 121 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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medicine, essential oils, and aromatherapy), including published research papers and


                             Health Data Centre of  Thai  Traditional Medicine Service (HDC  TTM

                             “HDC TTM Service” application is a real-time monitoring and evaluation system
                      which provides comparative reports on the TTM & TCM services provided by all levels

                      of public  health service facilities  under MoPH. HDC TTM Service retrieves data from
                      the MoPH HDC database which receives TTM & TCM service data record from health

                      service facilities from all over the country. HDC TTM Service presents 5 categories of
                      reports on 1) Diagnoses based on TTM and TCM, 2) Prescribed herbal medicines, 3)

                      Manual therapies provided, 4) Health promotion by TTM & TCM, and 5) Proportion
                      of TTM & TCM services provided in health service system, i.e., percentage of OPD visits

                      receiving TTM & TCM services as compared to total OPD visits, which used to be key
                      performance indicators (KPI) of DTAM.

                             HDC TTM Service application provides comparative reports on traditional medicine
                      services between 13 health service regions and within each region, and between provinces,

                      districts, and tambons (sub-districts). The information is shown by fiscal year and quarterly,
                      and is classified by levels of health facilities, OPD and IPD visits, as well as patient’s

                      health security systems.

              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report


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