Page 123 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 123

1)  Protection of TTM formulas and TTM treatises: According to Section 16 of

                                 the Act, TTM knowledge is divided into three categories:
                                 1.1)  National TTM formulas or national TTM treatises having special medical

                                      or public health value. Based on case-by-case basis, the National TTM
                                      formulas or National TTM Treatises shall fit in these criteria:

                                      •  Being the  TTM formulas or  TTM treatises that were compiled,
                                         developed, or improved by the government or public agencies and

                                         have documents or references of the origin;
                                      •  Presenting  the  nation’s  identity  that  should  be  preserved  or  being

                                         valuable for research and study or having an impact on the overall
                                         country’s economy, or having potential for a new drug development

                                         to solve medical or public health problems of the country;
                                      •  Being the TTM formulas or TTM treatises that are not protected by

                                         laws on protection and promotion of TTM knowledge.
                                 There will be the Ministerial Regulation on the application for permission

                                 and permission, right restriction, and remuneration from the utilisation for
                                 commercial benefits and infringement of the National  TTM Formulas or

                                 National TTM Treatises.
                                 As of March 2022, there are 48,159 TTM formulas from 612 treatises and

                                 536 stelae declared as National TTM Formulas or National TTM Treatises.
                                 1.2)  General TTM formulas or general TTM textbooks are widely used, and

                                      the  Ministry  of  Public  Health  has  declared  as  traditional  household
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                      remedies under laws on drug, or for the use in primary health care.

                                      These include those that were compiled, developed, or improved by
                                      public agencies or are safe and beneficial for the treatment of diseases.

                                 1.3)  Personal TTM formulas or personal TTM textbooks mean formulas or
                                      textbooks that belong to the persons who are: declared as National

                                      TTM Formulas or National TTM Treatises.
                                      •  An inventor of TTM formula or TTM textbook

                                      •  A person who improves or develops TTM formula or TTM textbook
                                      •  A person who is an inheritor of TTM formula or TTM textbook

                                 Until 2023, 51 formulas have been registered as personal TTM formulas.


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