Page 122 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine

                            Journal of Thai Traditional & Alternative Medicine is published by DTAM. The
                     journal has two objectives: 1) to disseminate academic works and research on  Thai

                     traditional medicine, herbs, indigenous and alternative medicine; and 2) to be a forum
                     for exchanging ideas and academic development and innovation in  Thai traditional

                     medicine, herbal medicine, indigenous medicine, and alternative medicine. Journal of
                     Thai  Traditional &  Alternative Medicine is certified as a  Thai-Journal Citation Index

                     (TCI) Level 1 journal and is listed Thai Journals Online (ThaiJO) database system and
                     in the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI) database. The journal publishes three issues per year

                     and is available in two formats: print (ISSN: 1685-991X) and electronic (ESSN: 2730-
                     2652) formats. PDF files of original articles with English abstracts published in current

                     and previous issues of Journal of  Thai  Traditional and  Alternative Medicine can be
                     accessed from

                     12. Protection of Thai traditional medical knowledge and

                          genetic resource, laws and regulations involved

                            Protection and Promotion of Thai Traditional Medicine Wisdom Act B.E.
                     2542 (1999)

                            The Protection and Promotion of Thai Traditional Medicine Wisdom  Act B.E.
                     2542 (1999) was published in Government Gazette on 29 November 1999. It serves

                     as a measure to promote public awareness of value of Thai traditional medicine knowledge
                     and medicinal plants and to increase public participation on the conservation, development

                     and sustainable use of Thai traditional medicine knowledge and medicinal plants. In
                     essence, the  Act protects the traditional medicine formulas and treatise and classical

                     textbooks on TTM and medicinal plants that are valuable for research, or have economic
                     value, or are at risk of extinction, as well as protects medicinal plant habitats.

                            DTAM by  Thai  Traditional and Indigenous Medicine Knowledge Protection
                     Division, under the roles of Central Registrar and Provincial Registrar, gives support

                     and supervision  in protecting  and promoting TTM wisdom according to the  Act. The
                     Act protects three main aspects of TTM wisdom:



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