Page 117 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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In the meantime, under the Practice of the  Art of Healing  Act,  the Profession

                      Commission in the Branch of TCM is responsible for the educational system of TCM,
                      the accreditation of educational institutions that produce graduates in TCM, organising

                      annual  TCM knowledge test and the issuance of  TCM practitioner licence, and the
                      regulation of the practice of TCM doctors. Bureau of Sanatorium and Art of Healing,

                      Department of Health Service Support, as the national office responsible for the
                      enforcement of Practice of the Art of Healing Act, serves as the secretariat of the Profession

                      Commission in the Branch of TCM.

                      8.  Regulatory system of TM products

                             Herbal Products Act B.E. 2562 (2019)
                             The Herbal Products Act B.E. 2562 (2019) is an essential regulatory mechanism

                      for the development of quality Thai herbal products, which include TTM products, TCM
                      products, herbal medicinal products, herbal health supplements, and herbal cosmeceutical

                      products. Prior to the enactment of this  Act, traditional and herbal medicines were
                      regulated under the Drugs  Act B.E. 2510 (1967) and its amendments, while herbal

                      dietary supplements were regulated under the Food Act B.E. 2522 (1979) and related
                      ministerial regulations, and as such, no health claim could be made. It was viewed that

                      both Acts were not suitable for the control and supervision of herbal products and did
                      not  support  the  industry  nor  its  competitiveness  in  the  international  market. The  new

                      act specifically formulated for the regulation of various types of Thai herbal products
                      was therefore promulgated and enforced since 29 June 2019.
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                             There are two Committees under the Herbal Products Act B.E. 2562. The National
                      Herbal  Policy  Committee  is responsible  for  formulating policies  and  strategic  plans for

                      herbal products development every 5 years, monitor and evaluate their implementation,
                      prescribe comprehensive research and development plans, and measures to promote

                      herbal product operators. The Herbal Products Committee is responsible for advising the
                      Minister of Public Health on criteria for the control and supervision of herbal products

                      through permission systems for the production and import of herbal products (via
                      product registration, notification or listing system). The Herbal Products Committee also

                      gives recommendations, opinions or approvals to the licensing authority concerning the
                      permission to produce, import, or sell herbal products; as well as to prescribe and notify

                      the criteria, procedures and conditions involving the manufacturing, import and sale of
                      herbal products, and the monitoring, vigilance, evaluation, and reporting of adverse

                      events from the use of herbal products.


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