Page 112 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 112

4. Types of TM service

                            As the national traditional medicine system of the country,  TTM is the main

                     form of TM services provided in the health service system and covered by the Universal

                     Health  Coverage  Scheme  (UHCS),  the  Civil  Servant  Medical  Benefit  Scheme  (CSMBS),
                     and the Social Security Scheme (SSS) while acupuncture is the only TCM therapy available
                     and covered by CSMBS, UHCS and SSS. Subsequently, Electroacupuncture for stroke

                     patients in intermediate care is covered by UHCS. Traditional medicine services provided

                     in the public health service system and their coverage by the three health security systems
                     of Thailand are summarised in Table 1.

                     Table 1:  Traditional Medicine services provided in public health service facilities and
                               the coverage under health security systems of Thailand

                                                                                 Health security system
                       Purpose of             Traditional medicine                      coverage
                         service                services provided
                                                                                UHCS     CSMBS       SSS
                                                  Thai Traditional Medicine

                      Treatment      Herbal medicines                             *                 
                                     Therapeutic massage
                                     (Nuad Thai)                                                    
                                     Hot herbal compression for therapeutic                         

                                     Herbal Steam Bath for therapeutic use                          
                                     herbal poultice                               -         -        -
                      Rehabilitation Therapeutic massage for rehabilitation      ***      ***     ***
                                     Hot herbal compression for
                                     rehabilitation                              ***      ***     ***
                                     Herbal Steam Bath for rehabilitation        ***      ***     ***
                      Health         Nuad Thai for health promotion                -         -        -
                      Promotion      Hot herbal compression for health
                                     promotion                                     -         -        -
                                     Herbal steam bath for health promotion        -         -        -

                                     Post-partum care                                               
                                                Traditional Chinese Medicine
                      Treatment &    Acupuncture
                      rehabilitation                                              **                

                     * Traditional medicine recipes and herbal medicines in the National List of Essential Herbal Medicines
                     ** Electroacupuncture for stroke patients in intermediate care only (20 sessions per service package)
                     *** Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) or stroke patients


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