Page 110 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 110

3. National Offices/Authorities and their responsibilities

                         and duties as related to traditional medicine

                            • Department of  Thai  Traditional and  Alternative Medicine (DTAM),

                              Ministry of Public Health:
                              - Works as a core agency on T&CM and T&CM policy maker,
                              - Develops and carries out registration systems to protect the rights of the

                                 country and individuals on TTM knowledge as related to TTM formulas and

                                 TTM scriptures, treatises, or collections of TTM formulas,
                              - Develops Thai traditional digital knowledge library (TTDKL) to document
                                 prior art of TTM,

                              - Establishes standards and supports technical information for TTM & TCM

                                 service provision, herbal medicines and Nuad Thai,
                              - Develops  T&CM curricula & training courses for  T&CM personnel and
                                 supports and strengthens the Training Sites of TTM Practicum for undergraduate

                                 students and  Training Sites for  TTM Internship Programme in 12 health

                                 service regions in the country,
                              - Collaborates with Thai Traditional Medical Council (TTMC) and Consortium
                                 of Network Institutes of TTM and Applied TTM Workforce Production,

                              - Registers and certifies Thai indigenous medicine practitioners,

                              - Develops standard specifications of traditional medicine preparations (Thai
                                 Herbal Preparation Pharmacopoeia: THPP),
                              - Works in collaboration with FDA to review TTM & TCM medicine registration

                                 documents, and

                              - Provides funding  from  TTM Knowledge Fund to support the operations
                                 related  to  the  promotion  and  protection  of TTM  wisdom  and as  grant  to
                                 support research projects on TTM.

                            • Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Ministry of Public Health:

                              - Regulates  production,  import,  sale,  and  advertisement  of  TTM  &  TCM
                                 commercial products,
                              - Registers TTM, TCM, herbal medicinal products, herbal health supplements,

                                 and natural cosmeceuticals under the Herbal Products Act B.E. 2562, and

                              - Selects Thai traditional medicines and herbal medicines into the National
                                 List of Essential Herbal Medicines (NLEHM).
                            • Department of Medical Sciences (DMSc), Ministry of Public Health:                      Thailand

                              - Establishes standard specifications of herbal materials (Thai Herbal


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