Page 109 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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2.  Country policy on traditional medicine

                             Thailand’s policy on traditional and complementary medicine (T&CM) follows

                      the country’s goal of becoming a developed nation that is secure, prosperous, and

                      sustainable, in line with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Late King Rama
                      IX. To achieve this goal, the policy on T&CM is divided into two main strategies for
                      effectively utilising T&CM in the country’s health systems.

                             The first strategy of the T&CM policy is to develop and strengthen human capital.

                      The aim is to support the healthcare system and improve the quality of life for Thai
                      citizens, as stated in Section 55 of the Kingdom of Thailand’s Constitution B.E. 2560
                      (2017). The constitution emphasises the state’s responsibility to provide efficient public

                      health services universally, promote basic knowledge about health promotion and disease

                      control, and support the advancement of the wisdom of Thai traditional medicine to
                      maximise its benefits. The National Health Act, B.E. 2550 (2007) is the crucial law that
                      provides a conceptual framework and guidelines for the formulation of public health

                      policies and strategies via the preparation of ‘the Statute on the National Health System’.

                      The Act states “the promotion and support of the use and development of local wisdom
                      of health care, Thai traditional medicine, Thai indigenous medicine, and other alternative
                      medicines” as one of the twelve essential matters to be covered in the Statute.

                             The second strategy of the  T&CM policy is to leverage  T&CM knowledge to

                      achieve Thailand’s goal of becoming a high-income country within the next 20 years,
                      as outlined in the country’s National Strategy on Competitiveness Enhancement. T&CM,
                      especially Thai herbal products and Thai traditional medicine services, has the potential
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                      to increase national income and competitiveness in two main ways.

                             Firstly, herbal products can support value-added agriculture by promoting the use
                      of the country’s biodiversity in the manufacturing sector, enhancing the increased value
                      of agricultural products and further developing high-value innovations from Thai medicinal

                      plants. For instance, potential herbs can be identified and researched to develop modern

                      innovative herbal products for medical use, health promotion, and other advanced
                      industries based on market demand.
                             Secondly, Thai traditional medicine can be adapted to create diverse health tourism

                      opportunities by combining the wisdom of Thai traditional medicine with the art of

                      Thai-style service. This can create attractive activities in medical and wellness tourism
                      for both  Thai and foreign tourists, providing them with an impressive experience of
                      traditional forms of health care of Thailand to improve and strengthen their health.


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