Page 103 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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4.  Type of TM services provided in Sri Lanka

                             Sri-Lanka provides free health care services to the citizens. Preventive, curative,

                      and rehabilitative services are done through public Ayurveda hospitals and clinics, while

                      private hospitals and clinics also provide excellent service throughout the country. Apart
                      from that, traditional medical practitioners (TMPs) serve their services through their own
                      registered clinics and those TMPs are treated for rare neurological and musculoskeletal

                      disorders.  In addition, primary health care service in traditional medicine is provided

                      through Ayurveda community medical health services.

                      Table 2: Registered Ayurveda Hospitals and Clinics in Sri- Lanka

                             Hospitals              Number                Clinics              Number
                          Public hospitals            118              Public clinics            306

                          Private Hospitals            26              Private clinics           138
                               Total                  144                                        444

                                    Ayurveda  Hospitals                          Clinics

                           80                                   250
                           60       118                         200         306
                           40                                   150
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                           20                    26             100                        138
                            0                                    50
                              Public hospitals    Private         0
                                             Hospitals                 Public clinics  Private clinics

                               Figure 4: Number of registered Ayurveda hospitals and clinics in Sri Lanka

                      5.  Health services facilities & service delivery through TM

                             Sri Lanka has abundant human resources of qualified  Ayurveda, Siddha, and
                      Unani medical officers, specialists, traditional medical practitioners, and therapists. The

                      TM healthcare sector in the country consists of an array of clinicians, hospitals, other
                      healthcare facilities, and independent practices. Some are based in the public sector;

                      others operate in the private sector as either for-profit or not-for-profit entities. Traditional
                      medicine (TM) plays a vital role in the Sri Lankan health system by serving as an


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