Page 31 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
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               history of 2,500 years, and its theoretical system has been deeply influenced by the
               ancient  materialism  Southern  transfer  of  Theravada  Buddhist  philosophy.  Dai
               medicine’s  core  theories  are  SiTa,  WuYun  theories.  Feature  theory  is  "SanPan
               theories", "YaJie theory" and "FengBi theory ".
                       The  word  of  SiTa(wind,  fire,  water,  soil)derived  from  the  Buddhist  “four
               great elements”. Wind  (Talon)  stands  for body's  function,  and  which is the driving
               force of human life activity. Fire (Taffin) for heat can mature all; Water (tower furans)
               on  behalf  of  the  body  material  storage,  water  tower  divide  into  the  water,  blood,
               water homologous blood, it’s an important material for life-sustaining activities; earth
               (Talin) stands for the body organs, tissues and organs; The four elements depend on
               each  other  cannot  be  separated  to  maintain  the  body's  normal  life  activities.  The
               WuYun (External shape, Ability to judge, Thinking ability, Sensitivity and tolerance,
               Move and change) on behalf of human life activities and spiritual activities. The SiTa-
               WuYun  theory  is  that  the  world  outlook  and  methodology  of  Dai  medicine
               understanding of the nature of variation of the human body and nature of all things,
               explaining the origin of life, growth and development process, and the physiological
               and pathological changes to guide the theory of the disease in prevention, diagnosis
               and treatment.
                       YaJie  (antidote)  theory  is  the  distinctive  theory  of  the  characteristics of  Dai
               medicine.  Its  core  thought  is  that  “treat  before  disease  occurs  and  “after  the  first
               detoxification  treatment  of  diseases”,  which  means  firstly  taking  the  antidote  to
               relieve  the  body  of  toxins  when  the  disease  has  not  yet  occurred  to  maintain  the
               balance and coordination of the SiTa, WuYun function to prevent the occurrence of
               the disease. “After the first detoxification treatment of diseases” means firstly taking
               the antidote and then to treat when diseases emerges, in order to get rid of various
               risk factors and wrong treatment, inappropriate medication or side effects of drugs
               used,  and  finally  prescribe  the  right  medicine,  which  can  play  a  good  therapeutic
               effect.  “Detoxification  before  the  disease  occurs”  is  an  important  part  of  Dai
               Medicine,  and  also  the  characteristic  of  Preventive  Medicine.  In  the  region  Dai
               people,  the  antidote  is  widely  used,  every  household  equipped  with  different
               antidotes to health and disease prevention.
                       Hung-Ya  (fumigating  therapy),  Nuan-Ya  (sleep-drug  therapy),  Fen-Ya  drug
               therapy (grinding), A-Ya (wash drug therapy), Nan-Ya (suppository therapy), Sang-
               Ya  (the  thorn  drug  therapy),  Guo-Ya  (package  drug  therapy),  Guo  (cupping
               Therapy), Zai-Ya (Cayao therapy), Bi (massage therapy) is the most characteristics
               of  Dai  medicine  treatment,  a  natural  therapy  areas.  Such  therapy  to  adjust  and
               restore the  body's  own  gasification,  accessible natural  healing, thereby  enhancing
               resistance  to  disease,  improve  health,  to  achieve  cure  of  disease  preventing  and
               fitness  of  purpose. Their  characteristic is  to have  treating  functional  and  non-toxic
               side effects.
                       Special  rainforest  climate  gives  Dai  people  rich  natural  resources,  the  area
               famous as “animal and plant kingdom”, ”NanYao town”. According to statistics, Dai
               medicine  having  various  products,  there  are  228  families,  372  genera,  and  1300
               kinds, 1858 of common plant medicine species, 300 kinds of rare and endangered
               species  in  Xishuangbanna  Dai  folk  medicine.  Dai  medical  is  good  at  using  fresh
               Drugs to treat diseases, covering gynecological, orthopedics, digestive and Urinary
               system disease. Using antidote is the characteristics Dai medicine.
                       Dai  medicine  knowledge  is  recorded  in  pattra-leaf  scriptures,  pattra-leaf
               scriptures  along  with  the  Buddhism  introduced  into  the  Dai  area.  Pattra-leaf
               scriptures of the Dai nationality are the encyclopedia. Dai medicine classic including:
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