Page 26 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 26


                       Sale  of  hazardous  traditional  medicine  products  in  the  list  of  prohibited
                        products of the Ministry of Health;
                       Undertaking  of  other  businesses  in  the  traditional  medicine product  selling
                     In  Oct  1998  Prakas  (Declaration)  No:  570  ABS/AABS  on  Procedures  and
               Requirements for Opening, Closing or Changing the Location of Traditional Medicine
               Selling Establishment.
                     Article 2: Traditional medicine practitioners of both sexes, who are eligible for
               opening  traditional  medicine  product  selling  depot,  shall  fulfill  the  following
                       Hold Khmer nationality;
                       Understand how to make traditional medicine products from plan, animal or
                        mineral material and how to provide traditional medicine treatment for basic
                        illnesses and possess traditional medicine practitioner certificate recognized
                        by the Ministry of Health;
                       Have never involved in any criminal cases;
                       Be healthy to work.
                     Article 9: Traditional medicine product selling depot can display the following
               traditional medicine products:
                       Plant, animal or mineral material of all kinds, which is raw or processed by
                        using  simple  method  to  ensure  quality  of  the  prevention  or  treatment  of
                        diseases, except poisonous plants, included in the list of prohibited materials
                        of the Ministry of Health.
                       Traditional medicine products approved by or registered with the Ministry of
                    Article 10: Traditional medicine product selling depot has the rights to:
                       Do retail sale of the products stated in Article 9.
                       Make  some  traditional  medicine  products  following  traditional  medicine
                        recipe with permission from the Ministry of Health.
                       Check and treat diseases by using traditional medicine products
                     Article 11: The following activities are prohibited:
                       Sale of fake and no quality traditional medicine products.
                       Sale  of  traditional  medicine  products  together  with  modern  medicine
                       Sale of hazardous traditional medicine products, which are in the list of the
                        prohibited products of the Ministry of Health.
                       Undertaking other businesses in the traditional medicine product depot.
                       Advertisement  of  traditional  medicine  product  without  permission  from  the
                        Ministry of Health.
                       Treatment  of  diseases  by  using  modern  medicine  products  or  modern
                        medical practice.

               Ethno medicine/ Traditional Medicine in Cambodia
                 Ethno Medicine/ Traditional Medicine has formed an important part in prevention,
               promotion, and treatment aspects of health care in the Kingdom of Cambodia.
                 Because  of  its  long  history,  many  of  the  population  are  attached  to  their  own
               folklore and rely on traditional methods to meet their health care needs.
                 This is especially the case for people who live in rural and remote areas who use
               medicines available in the localities for the prevention or cure of common diseases,
               disorders and conditions.
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