Page 25 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
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               national health system was destroyed by Pol Pot regime and TM is the only way that
               could reach to cure the people.
                 Traditional  Healers  from  all  over  Cambodia were  invited to  Phnom  Penh  in  the
               early1980s  to  share  their  knowledge,  and  each  district  health  center  had  a  kru
               Khmer (Traditional healer) with whom it would work closely.
                 In  1980’s  with  collaboration  from  Vietnam,  Ministry  of  Health,  We  produced
               Traditional  Medicine products  and  distribute to  hospitals  and  health  centers in  the
                 After finishing the collaboration with Vietnam, Ministry of Health and because of
               government focusing on Western medicine, Center of Traditional Medicine doesn’t
               have many activities.
                 In  1997,  sub-degree  67  ANKr-BK  was  reestablished  The  National  Center  of
               Traditional Medicine (NCTM).
                 On July 2004, Cambodia’s Prime Minister declared that, “The Royal Government
               will  continue  to  encourage  the  use  of  traditional  medicines  with  appropriate
               information and control in conjunction with the use of modern medicine”.

               Regulation on TM products and Practices
                     Cambodia  has  not  had  Traditional  Medicine  Law  yet  but  currently  has  only
               regulation for implementation in Traditional Medicine sector. Ministry of Health has
               one  sub-decrees:  No:  23  ANKr.BK  and  one  declaration  No:  570  ABS/AABS  that
               related with TM practices and products:
                   Regulation for TM products:
                     In  Apr  1998  Sub-decree  No:  23  ANKr.BK  on  Production,  Importation,
               Exportation and Trade of Traditional Medicines for Health Sector.
                     Article 5: Traditional medicine practitioners eligible for undertaking traditional
               medicine business shall fulfill the following qualifications:
                       Hold Khmer nationality;
                       Possess  sound  knowledge  on  the  making  of  traditional  medicine  products
                        from  plant,  animal  or  mineral  material  and  on  the  traditional  medicine
                        treatment  of  simple  illness  and  hold  a  traditional  medicine  practitioner
                        certificate recognized by the Ministry of Health;
                       Have never been involved in any criminal case;
                       Be healthy and be able to perform the work.

                    Chapter 5 Trade of Traditional Medicine Products
                    Article 14:
                       Display for sale, sale and storage of traditional medicine products shall be
                        done  in  traditional  medicine  product  selling  depot,  which  is  properly
                        organized as per requirements of the Ministry of Health.
                   Article 15:
                       Traditional  medicine  practitioner  shall  be  present  in  traditional  medicine
                        product selling depot to supervise the activities in his/her establishment.
                       If  he/she  is  not  available,  the  responsible  traditional  medicine  practitioner
                        shall  assign  an  alternative  traditional  medicine  practitioner,  which  is  also
                        licensed by the Ministry of Health.
                   Article 16:
                       The following activities are prohibited:
                       Sale of fake, no quality traditional medicine products;
                       Sale of traditional medicine products mixed with modern medicine products;
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