Page 27 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 27


                 Base on the estimation 70% to 8o% of Cambodian are use traditional medicine.
               Traditional  Medicine  is  the  first  choice  of  Cambodian  people  for  their  health  care
               problems.  It’s  more  cheaper  than  modern  medicine  and  easy  to  find  in  their
               communities. Traditional Medicine including Traditional Khmer Medicine, Traditional
               Chinese  Medicine,  Traditional  Vietnamese  Medicine,  Ayuvedic  Medicine  and
               indigenous medicine (Cham, Khmer Loeu: They believed on “Arak” or “Nak Ta”.
                 Traditional healers/folk healers treat the diseases from minor to sever and chronic
               diseases.  Those  diseases  are  the  result  of  imbalance  of  the  four  elements  in  the
               body or impact from external factors or spiritual.
                 For treatment to the patients Traditional Healers/folk healers could be identified
               the diseases base on:
                     1. Physical factors /external factors
                     2. Imbalance of the elements (treated by herbal medicine/diet)
                     3. Spiritual factors / supernatural factors:
                      Example:  send  away  evil  spirit  inside  the  body,    extend  fate,    health
               forecasting, supernatural/magic power, holy water bathing/spaying , praying for good
               luck from buddha or ancestors, Nak Ta, Arak ..…

               Ethno medicine practices/treatment
               1. Spiritual Practices/treatments

                               Holy water bathing                         Health prediction

                            Hot iron piece treatment                      Pray for good luck
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