Page 32 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 32


               The “Gaya Shan Haya”, the earliest medical interpretation work about human body.
               It  is  said  that  the  attainment  of  sakyamuni  disciple  Allendating  to  around  924  BC
               according to ancient scriptures of medical knowledge; “WeiSuTiMaYa describes  Dai
               medical  human  physiology  and  comprehensive  ancient  literature  of  SiTa-WuYun
               theory,  and  it  was  introduced  into  Islamic  Lanka  by  southern  Buddhism.  By  the
               second century B.C, JueYin translated into pali Sanskrit classic, then translated as
               “QingJingDaoLlun” by YeJun; "GaBi DiSha DiNiBa", collected many Dai traditional
               medical and secret recipe, involving Internal Medicine, Gynecological, Pediatrics and
               Surgical  Diseases,  also  miscellaneous  disease;  “DanHaYaLong  ",  a  set  of  books
               reflecting  traditional  medicine  known  as  the  Dai  nationality  comprehensive  book.
               These Dai medical classic has been translated into Chinese.

               TIBETAN MEDICINE
                       Tibetans,  mainly  located  in  Diqing  Tibetan  Autonomous  Prefecture  in
               Northwest Yunnan, with a population of 124 000. The area is an Interchange with
               Yunnan,  Tibet,  Sichuan,  having  always  been  a  hub  for  the  exchange  of  political,
               economic,  cultural,  and  Tibetan  medicine  and  pharmacology.  British  writer  James
               Hilton's novel “Lost Horizon” called Shangri-La as the hometown of pure fantasy, in
               this land, man and nature, human beings live in harmony, creating the only heaven,
               a comparable earthly paradise, which makes millions of people attracted to aspire to
               Shangri-La,  Diqing  Tibetan  Autonomous  Prefecture,    where  Yunnan  Tibetan
               medicine is rooted.
                       Tibetan  medicine  has  a  complete  theoretical  system  with  Tibetan
               characteristics, broad absorption in medicine, the essence of the traditional medicine
               of ancient India, Nepal, Sri Lanka and other countries, combined with the Tibetan
               alpine  natural  environment,  long-term  clinical  practical  work,  and  gradually  formed
               and evolved. "Because of the doctrine of" the core theory, embryonic doctrine is the
               unique theory.
                       Triple pathogens doctrine means Long (gas), Tripa (bile), "Bacon" (water and
               soil),  Lung  (wind  or  gas),  the  main  breathing,  blood  running, physical  activity,  five
               senses,  food  delivery  of  decomposition;  Tripa  (bile  or  fire)  to  generate  heat  to
               maintain  body  temperature,  color,  and  enhance  the  function  of  the  stomach,
               courage,  and Wisdom;  Bacon  (water  and earth)  ground  food,  increase  the gastric
               juice to aid digestion, in charge of the taste for human nutrition, transportation and
               water and solutions. Balance and coordination of these three, the body in the normal
               physiological functioning, these three appear to lose balance and coordination, it will
               become pathogenic factors. Tibetan medicine will be harmful to human lung lesions
               after Tripa, Bacon called the "evil", it is called the doctrine of the three because of
               the three evil doctrine.
                       Urinary diagnosis is the most distinctive Tibetan diagnostic methods. Tibetan
               medicine  has  a  very  detailed  description  of  the  urinary  diagnosis  to  illustrate  the
               principle  of  urine  attending  the  formation  of  the  digestive  process  of  dietary
               compounds,  and  the  digestion  and  absorption  of  dietary  compounds  is  directly
               related to urine color, gas, texture, Tibetan medicine on urine clinic before going to
               do  a  very  detailed  description  of  specific  requirements  for  the  environment  of  the
               urinary diagnosis. Urinary diagnosis, including the observation of urine, urine steam,
               odors, floating debris, floating skin, urine and stirred with a bamboo pole to see if the
               urine bubbles change.
                       Embryonic doctrine is an important part of the Tibetan medical theory, the rich
               content of embryology records as early as the 8th century AD, in the Tibetan medical
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