Page 36 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 36


                       In the National Outline of Long-Term Plan for Human Resource Development
               (2010-2020) proposed that cultivate scarce and urgently needed special personnels
               in  economic  and  social  development  areas,  and  support  programs  for  outlying
               poverty-stricken  areas,  national  boarder  areas  and  old  revolutionary  base  areas.
               State Administration of TCM listed the DAI medicine as key discipline in 2009, the
               affiliated hospital of Dai medicine of Yunnan University of TCM chosen to be the first
               group of key national medicine hospital supported by the state. And more financial
               support has been invested to improve the service of Dai medicine hospital.
                       The  Twelfth  Five-Year  Plan  of  Yunnan  proposed  to  accelerate  the
               development  of  national  education,  improve  the  basic  education,  secondary
               vocational  education  and  higher  education  in  ethnic  minority  areas,  and  cultivate
               scarce  and  urgently  needed  personnel  in  key  areas  and  personnel  of  ethnic
                       Yunnan Provincial Bureau of Health together with other 9 bureaus in Yunnan
               province  jointly  formulated  the  Implementation  Opinions  on  Strengthening  the
               Development of Nationality Medicine in Yunnan in 2009, which demand that ethnic
               group autonomous country should set up 1 nationality medicine hospital, more than
               60%  township  health  centers  should  establish  nationality  medicine  section  or
               department  with  at  least  1  national  medical  doctor.  If  there  is  no  independent
               national  medical  institution  in  the  county,  a  nationality  medicine  section  or
               department should be set up in the TCM hospital or the comprehensive hospital of
               the  county.  A  nationality  medicine  section  or  department  should  be  established in
               community  health  service  center  in  minority  areas.  More  than  50%  of  the  village
               health  room  should  equip  with  at  least  1  rural  doctor  who  can  provide  national
               medical diagnosis and treatment service.
                       Yunnan  provincial  government  put  forward  the  Implementation  Opinions  on
               Supporting  and  Promoting  the  Development  of  TCM  in  2010,  it  emphasized  that
               supporting  the  development  of  nationality  medicine  with  great  efforts,  accelerating
               the cultivation of nationality medicine personnel, creating conditions for cultivation a
               group  of  high  level  and  special  personnel  specializing  in  Dai  medicine  and  Yi
               medicine, and cultivating urgently needed nationality medicine personnel in various
               ways.  Focused  on  the  establishment  of  special  treatment  to  special  disease,  the
               diagnosis  and  treatment  standard  and  technical  norms  of  nationality  medicine.  In
               addition, improving the service of national medicine hospital and meeting the needs
               of local people.
                       Yunnan nationality medicine is the perfect combination of natural and human,
               it is a valuable wealth of Yunnan, an important component of Chinese culture. We
               will continue to strengthen the inheritance and development of the national medicine
               to keep it moving forward.
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