Page 38 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 38


                       Lao  PDR  has  a  long  history  on  the  use  of  Traditional  Medicine,  traditional
               medicine continues to provide tools for treating diseases. Government support the
               use of Medicinal plant and Traditional Medicine in Health care system, Encourage
               both  public  and  private  sectors  to  contribute  to  the  development  of  the  MP&TM

               III. Policy, Law and Regulation
                 National  Drug  Policy  Program  on  Traditional  Medicine  (TTM  is  one  of  the  13
               components) (1993 and 2003)
                 Ministerial Degree on Traditional Medicine 1996
                 Law on Drug and Medical products (2000)
                 Prime  ministerial  Decree  no.  115  (2003)  on  the  promotion  the  use  and
               preservation of medicinal natural recourses.

               Impact of the laws and regulations
                 Inclusion of 21 medicines derived from medicinal plants in to Essential Drug List.
                 Establishment of Medicinal Plant Preserves
                 Number of traditional medicines increased
                 Number of registered traditional medicines increased
                   o  55 items (domestic products)
                   o  80 items (imported products) and
                   o  6 items (domestic health products)

               IV. Institute of Traditional Medicine
                       Institute  of  Traditional  Medicine  (ITM)  as  a  focal  point  of  the  network  of
               traditional medicine should be strengthened in order to implement the policy of Lao
               Government regarding the use traditional medicine. At the same time, strategies for
               harmonization  and integration  with  conventional  medicine  and  traditional  medicine
               should be developed in the near future.
                       ITM has 6 Divisions:
                       -   Administrative Bureau
                       -   Pharmacognosy Division
                       -   Research and Development Center
                       -   Cultivation of Medicinal plant Center
                       -   Development Traditional Medicine
                       -   Traditional Medicine Treatment Center
                                                  Organization chart

                                                    Ministry of Health

                                   Food and Drug


                              Traditional Medicine


                                                    Pharmaceutical                Institute of Traditional
                                                      Factory No 3                        Medicine
                    Factory No 2
                                                                                        Traditional Station
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