Page 33 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 33


               classic  "Four  Medical  Classics",  describing  the  characteristics  of  pregnancy
               physiology,  pathology  and  embryology,  the  form  of  a  map,  vividly  depicting  the
               shape  of  the  weeks  of  embryonic  development,  which  is  very  close  to  modern
               medicine about embryology.
                       Tibetan  medicine  has  distinctive  characteristics  for  applying  medicine,
               selected little-known minerals and precious animal drugs, as well as growth in the
               alpine Tibetan natural herbal medicines, and having a unique preparation process
               and extraction methods, which makes Tibetan medicine treatment of bone fractures,
               bruises,  injured,  high  blood  pressure,  heart  disease,  gastroenteritis,  rheumatoid
               arthritis,  stroke  and  other  diseases  have  a significant  effect.  Dumaer·  Danzeng, a
               very famous Tibetan medicine scholar in Diqing, Yunnan province, written “Jin Zhu
               Ben Cao”. The book is Tibetan herb’ classic work, detailed the medication way and
               distinctness, so it’s regarded as Tibetan’s "Compendium of Materia Medica"

               YI MEDINCINE
                       Yi people, Yunnan's most widely distributed and most populous nation, with
               502.8 million, accounting for 10.94 percent of Yunnan's total population, are mainly
               distributed  in  Yunnan  Chuxiong  Yi  Autonomous  Prefecture,  Honghe  Hani  and  Yi
               Autonomous Prefecture and other places. Yi has a long history and splendid national
               culture,  the  world  famous  "October  solar  calendar,  the  calendar  created  by  Yi
               people, so Yi people have been known as the" sun nation.
                       Yi medicine has a long history, since ancient times, a proverb going as “Yi
               medicine  has  more  than  thousand  and  even  10  thousand  years”.  Yi  medicine  is
               based  such  core  and  specialty  medicine  as  theory,  “Qi  -blood  theory”  and
               “pneumatic theory”.
                       Lucid and turbid refers to the “yin and yang”, lucid air belonging to yang and
               turbid belonging to yin, the two, fundamental of all things. Yi Medicine clarifies the
               formation and activities of life by the two elements, and they feed (yin and yang) to
               illustrate the material basis of the activities of life changes.
                       QI and blood are essential for life, the basic material to maintain life activities.
               Organs gasification water generation and six gases delivered to the facial features
               orifices, interior and exterior, up and down, four limbs and bones, to play the role of
               nourishing. The blood and qi can be transformed mutually.
                       The  gas  line  is  a  human  lucid  and  turbid  movements,  blood  circulation
               channel and path, and it is coherent organs to accessibility features orifices, interior
               and  exterior,  up  and  down,  a  total  of  six  lucid  and  turbid  path.  According  to  Yi
               Medical ancient records, contact the clear air three pathways the chest, abdominal
               visceral  organization;  an  aggregate  of  three  pathways  connecting  with  the
               organization of the muscular form, through the line of the body front and one week,
               and  each  other  through  three  pathways  with  clear  air.  Clear  three-way  and  three
               muddy  paths  inside  and  outside  the  human  body  above  and  below  the  organic
               integration, so that the human body to form a whole.
                       Yi  medicine  is  expert  in  using  animal,  the  medication  involving  bark,  hair,
               bone, horn, tendon, blood and organ, occupying 92.8% in Yi medicine classics. Yi
               medicine using animal drugs and forming its own unique drug characteristics: First,
               cold to cold treatment, such as the treatment of spleen and stomach, not uses antler,
               tripe, etc. Warming drugs, with the bitter cold sheep bile, this cold governance cold is
               different  from  the  traditional  Chinese  medicine  "Treatise  on  Febrile  Diseases  "
               Baitong plus pig bile soup, but also rebellious in the "cold heat" rule of Dafa; meat
               product with meat rule, Yi cures meat stagnation, in addition to use herbal medicine,
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