Page 43 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 43


               Ayeyarwady delta had a rainfall of around 3000 mm, the mountains in the extreme
               north had over 2000 mm and the hills of the east over 1300 mm. The dry zone had
               between  700  and  1500  mm  due  to  the  Rakhine  Yomas  (hills)  cutting  off  the
               monsoon. The average temperature experienced in the delta ranged between 22°C
               to 33°C, while in the dry zone, it was between 20°C and 34°C. The temperature was
               between  17°C  and  30°C  in  hilly  regions  and  even  lower  in  Chin  state  ranging
               between 10°C and 24°C.

               4. Demography
                       The population of Myanmar in 2010-2011 is estimated at 59.78  million with
               the growth rate of 1.1 percent. About 70 percent of the population resides in the rural
               areas,  whereas  the  remaining  are  urban  dwellers.  The  population  density  for  the
               whole country is 88 per square kilometers.

               5. People and Religion
                       The  Republic of  the  Union  of  Myanmar  is made  up  of  (135)  national races
               speaking  over  100  languages  and  dialects.  The  major  ethnic  groups  are  Kachin,
               Kayah, Kayin, Chin, Bamar, Mon, Rakhine, Shan and there are 12, 9, 11, 53, 9, 1, 7,
               33 races respectively in each group. About 89.4% of the population mainly Bamar,
               Shan,  Mon,  Rakhine  and  some  Kayin  are  Buddhists.  The  rest  are  Christians,
               Muslims, Hindus and Animists.

               6.  Economy
                       Myanmar  is  a  country  with  a  large  land  area  rich  in  natural  and  human
               resources. Cognizant of the fact that the agricultural sector can contribute to overall
               economic  growth  of  the  country  the  government  has  accorded  top  priority  to
               agricultural development as the base for all round development of the economy as
               well. Following the adoption of market oriented economy from centralized economy
               the government has carried out liberal economic reforms to ensure participation of
               private  sector  in  every  sphere  of  economic  activities.  The  country  comes  into  the
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