Page 44 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 44


               new era for building a modern and developed democratic nation and the nation is on
               the  threshold  of  new  system  and  new  era.  Priority  is  to  be  given  to  progress  of
               agriculture sector for sufficiency of people in food and clothing sectors. Agriculture
               sector is  to  be  modernized  to  establish  agricultural  production  syndicates  with  the
               shares  through  manual  production.  Utmost  efforts  are  to  be  made  for  boosting
               production of agricultural produce with the use of modern machinery and technology.
               With expanding job opportunities in the market economy system and every citizen
               being able to work, increasing individual income will contribute to the growth of GDP.

               7. Social Development
                       Development  of  social  sector  has  kept  pace  with  economic  development.
               Expansion  of  schools  and  institutes  of  higher  education  has  been  considerable
               especially in the Regions and States. Expenditures for health and education have
               raised considerably, equity and access to education and health and social services
               have been ensured all over the country. With prevalence of tranquility, law and order
               in the border regions, social sector development can be expanded throughout the
               country.  Twenty  four  special  development  regions  have  been  designated  in  the
               whole country where health and education facilities are developed or upgraded along
               with other development activities. Some towns or villages in these regions have also
               been  upgraded to  sub-township level  with  development  of infrastructure to  ensure
               proper execution of administrative, economic and social functions.

               8. Department of Traditional Medicine
                       Myanmar  Traditional  Medicine  is  truly  an  inherited  profession  whose
               development  has  interrelations  with  the  natural  and  climate  conditions,  thoughts,
               convictions and the sociocultural system in Myanmar. Traditional Medicine has been
               practiced in Myanmar since time immemorial. Over 2000 years ago Myanmar has
               possessed  and  nurtured  a  civilization,  high  enough  to  set  up  city  states  and
               Traditional medicine had flourished significantly by a major part of Myanmar culture.
               It  was  chronicled  that  Myanmar  traditional  medicine  has  been  considered  to  be
               prestigious in the earliest history of Myanmar such as Tagaung, Srikittra and Bagan
               periods which was about 600 BC. Myanmar Traditional Medicine is a broad, deep
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