Page 49 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 49


               15.  Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association
                       Myanmar Traditional Medicine Practitioners Association has been established
               in 2002 after unification of various TM groups of different disciplines. The objectives
               of  the  association  are  to:  provide  consolidated  efforts  and  contribution  of  TM
               practitioners  in  implementation  of  National  Health  Plan;  provide  community  health
               care  through  TM  approaches;  do  research  and  strive  for  the  development  of  TM;
               conserve the endangered species of medicinal plants and animals while revitalizing
               the  almost  extinct  TM  textbooks  and  therapies  and  uplift  of  the  dignity  of  TM
               profession and practitioners. The most important missions are to conduct continuing
               TM  education  programs,  to  provide  quality  services  and  to  encourage  the
               development of evidence based TM through systematic research.

               16.  Traditional Medicine Practitioners Conference
                       In  order  to  promote  the  development  of  Myanmar  Traditional  Medicine,
               Myanmar  Traditional  Medicine  Practitioners  Conferences  has  been  held  annually
               since  the  year  2000.  Traditional  medicine  practitioners  from  various  parts  of  the
               country  gathered  and  exchanged  their  knowledge  at  the  conference,  new  policies
               and objectives are proposed, discussed and also reiterated the unity of TM healers
               for perpetuation and propagation of Myanmar Traditional Medicine.
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