Page 52 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
P. 52


                          Table 2:Result of collection the experience remedy in some communities
                                                                 Quantity of collected remedies
                Investigational location                                    Quantity of experience
                                                              Quantity        remedies under the
                                                                                 disease group
                                                                           Hemostatic: 7, bone-joint:
                                                                           9, digestion: 6, cutaneuos:
                Community of The Dao BanKhoang                   85
                                                                           12, urinary organ: 5,
                                                                           female disease: 16
                                                                           Bone-joint diseases: 8,
                                                                           female disease: 12,
                Community of The Hmong hoa                       72        digestion: 10, urinary
                commune, Lao Cai
                                                                           organ: 11, respiratory
                                                                           tract: 3
                                                                           Digestion: 12, respiratory
                Community of The Tay Viet Lam                    51        tract: 7, female disease: 7,
                commune, Vi Xuyen district, Ha Giang                       cutaneuos: 8, ill-
                                                                           temperature: 3
                                                                           Hemostatic: 3, cutaneuos:
                Community of The Kho mu, BanVang                 16
                                                                           4, digestion: 4, urinary
                commune, Dien Bien.
                                                                           organ: 1
                                                                           Urinary organ: 2, Bone-
                Community of The Tay Kim Dong                    15        joint: 3, female disease: 4,
                commune, Trang Dinh, Lang Son                              liver: 2, female disease: 4

                     Medicinal plants in need of conservation

                                                                          Gynostemma pentaphyllum
                  Drynaria bonii Christ       Paris hainanensis
                                                                               (Thunb.) Makino

                       Rauvolfia             Stephania dielsiana C. Y.
                                                                              Fibraurea recisa Pierre
                  yunnanensis Tsiang                   Wu
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