Page 45 - Proceedings of The Fifth Meeting of Indigenous Medicine in the Mekong Basin
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               and delicate branch of science covering various basic medical knowledge, different
               treaties, a diverse array of therapies and potent medicines.
                       Traditional Medicine promotion office was established under the Department
               of Health in 1953. It was organized as a division in 1972 managed by an Assistant
               Director  who  was  responsible  for  the  development  of  the  services  under  the
               technical  guidance  of  the  State  Traditional  Medicine  Council.  It  became  the  focal
               point for all the activities related to traditional medicine. The Government upgraded
               the  division  to  a  separate  Department  in  August  1989.  It  was  reorganized  and
               expanded in 1998, to provide comprehensive traditional medicine services through
               existing  health  care  system  in  line  with  the  National  Health  Plan.  The  other
               objectives of the department are to review and explore means to develop safe and
               efficacious  new  therapeutic  agents  and  medicine  and  to  produce  competent
               traditional medicine practitioners.

               9. Human Resource Development in Traditional Medicine
                                                                Before  1976,  the  knowledge  of
                                                         Myanmar  Traditional  Medicine  was  handed
                                                         down  from  one  generation  to  another.  In
                                                         1976, with the aim to improve the qualification
                                                         of  traditional  medicine  practitioners,  the
                                                         Institute   of   Traditional   Medicine     was
                                                         established     and      systematic      training
                                                         programmes  were  introduced  to  train  and
                                                         produce  competent  Traditional  Medicine
                                                         Practitioners.  A  three  year  course  including
                                                         one  year  internship  was  conducted  and
               Diploma in Traditional Medicine was conferred to successful candidates. The yearly
               intake of students is about 100. The institute had already produced (2187) diploma
                       The  University  of  Traditional  Medicine  was  established  in  2001.  The
               curriculum  was  jointly  developed  by
               Myanmar          Traditional       Medicine
               Practitioners  and  medical  educationists.
               It is a five year course including one year
               internship  covering  all  four  major
               systems (Nayas) of Traditional Medicine,
               basic  sciences  and  basic  medical
               sciences  of  western  medicine.  The
               degree     conferred    is   Bachelor     of
               Myanmar          Traditional       Medicine
               (B.M.T.M).  The  yearly  intake  is  about
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