Page 94 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 94

Currently running Ayurveda related programmes

                            • Construction/Installation of open gym Centre in each Province.
                            • Ayurveda Health promotion and public awareness programme through Nagarik-

                               Arogya Programme.

                            • Skill development/empowerment programme.
                            • Prevention, Reduction and management of NCD.
                            • Ayurveda Health Information management training programme.

                            • Citizen wellbeing (Nagarik Arogya) programme.

                            • Ayurveda Services Guidelines, Manual, Protocol
                            • Yoga/Skill development training for Ayurveda personnel.
                            • AHIMS upgrading (Ayurveda Health Information Management System)

                            • Alternative Medicine Strengthening/Policy, Standards.

                            • Awareness related programme.
                            • Building under construction of Budhanilkantha Panchakarma Centre.
                            • Specialty ayurveda services at Central Ayurveda Hospital.

                     Provincial & Local Level Programmes

                            • Regular OPD services by Ayurveda doctors and trained staffs

                            • Free essential medicine distribution in every ayurveda outlets
                            • Lifestyle Management Programme in PHC
                            • Training on “Operation & Management of Ayurveda Programmes” for ayurveda


                            • Procurement & Transportation of Ayurveda Medicines
                            • Free Health Camps
                            • National/International  Yoga Day; National  Arogya-Diwas & Dhanwantari


                            • ICT materials development and broadcasting.
                            • School Ayurveda & Yoga Programme.
                            • Programme for lactating mother (distribution of galactagogue medicines.

                            • Promotive programme for senior citizens.

                            • Nagarik Arogya clinic for Non communicable diseases, NCDs.
                            • Healthy life (Swastha Jeevan) programme.
                            • Production of Churna Aushadi (Medicine).

                            • Establishment of Citizen Wellbeing (Nagarik Arogya) Centres in local level


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