Page 97 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 97

Figure 1: Ruins of the first hospital in the world - Mihintale

                             Ancient inscriptions on rock surfaces reveal that organised medical services have
                      existed within the country for centuries. In fact, Sri Lanka claims to be the first country

                      in the world to have established dedicated hospitals with the capability of performing

                      surgeries even for animals. The Sri Lankan Mountain Mihintale still has the ruins of what
                      many believe to be the first hospital in the world. Old hospital sites now attract tourists,
                      who marvel at the beautiful ruins. These places have come to symbolise a traditional

                      sense of healing and care, which was so prevalent at that time.

                             Ancient  Sri Lanka  developed its  own traditional  healthcare system based  on a
                      series of prescriptions handed down from generation to generation over a period of
                      3,000 years.  The ancient kings, who were also prominent physicians, sustained their
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                      survival and different regions of the island have their own unique traditions and pedigrees

                      known as “Veda Parampara” However, despite subtle differences in the varied traditions
                      and various family pedigrees all traditional systems share the same ancient origins.
                             The traditional medical system is a holistic health care system in Sri Lanka with

                      an exclusive health belief system and positive stream of social behaviour based on

                      culturally honoured, ethnocentric, patient-oriented, humanistic, and value-based
                      professionalism. The  national  health  care system  in Sri Lanka  was officially  recognised
                      after the first Allopathic hospital was implanted by the Portuguese.

                             The Ayurveda Act No. 31 of 1961 institutionalised the traditional medical system,

                      and it had been gradually subject to ‘Ayurveda and Desheeya identity was getting merged
                      into the Indian context. The term ‘Ayurveda’ is referred to different Traditional Medicines-
                      It refers to the traditional system of medicine (TRM) called “Desheeya Chikitsa” enriched

                      with the Ayurveda system of medicine from North India, the Siddha system of medicine

                      from South India and the Unani system of medicine of Arabs.

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