Page 227 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 227

Figure 5: The data of amount distributed under performance-based Incentive System.

                     Employee Motivation: Performance Based Incentive Distribution

                     (the magic approach)

                            As mentioned earlier, introduction to the Incentive Distribution system based on
                     performance of the department boosted high morals and enthusiasm in every person

                     working in related departments from doctors, assistants to helpers. This improved the
                     motivation  and  increased  commitments  and  working  hours  in  each  staff  contrary  to

                     escapism attitude in past years in the hospital. There was a huge rise in number of
                     therapy services from each department. It resulted in win- win situation for both hospital

                     and  staffs. The incentive  distribution  increased  5  times in  FY 2022/2023 comparison
                     to FY 2020/2021.

                     Dreams ahead:

                            1. Construction of BLOCK B & C (for Service extension)

                            2. Geriatric care services (50-bedded service extension centre dedicated to
                                Parkinsonism, Alzheimer, Dementia, SCI)

                            3. TM wellness wing
                            4. Research unit

                            The hospital stands today as an ideal health service provider among the national
                     hospitals of Nepal. The available space of hospital needs to be upgraded as per rise in

                     population and people opting for TM as their choice for treatment and health care. The
                     hospital hopes to shine as a preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative health

                     care facility of every citizen of this country. The hospital extends its arm open for further
                     collaboration with researchers, scientists, hospitals, experts inside and outside the country.  Nepal


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