Page 201 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 201

b) Vision:

                                 i.  To establish a holistic wellness model based on  Ayush principles and

                                 ii.  To empower masses for self-care to reduce the disease burden and out of
                                     pocket expenditure and to provide informed choice services to the needy

                            c) Objective:

                                 i.  To provide comprehensive primary healthcare through Ayush systems of
                                     medicine using team-based approach

                                 ii.  To establish a holistic wellness model based on  Ayush principles and
                                     practices focusing on preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative

                                     healthcare by establishing integration with existing public healthcare

                                iii.  To provide informed choice to the needy public by making AYUSH services

                            d) Key Principles:  Functional integration with existing establishment for
                                providing comprehensive care by using Standard protocols and guidelines,

                                up-gradation of infrastructure, community mobilisation for self-care, sensitization
                                & capacity building of health care providers, expansion of services, linkages

                                with higher-level facilities and documentation with the help of IT platform
                                are the highlights of the activities.

                            e) Ayush Wellness Interventions:
                                 i.  Preventive and promotive measures for self-care

                                     a. Awareness about easy-to-follow healthy practices specific to daily
                                         routine (Dinacharya) and season/weather specific routine (Ritucharya)

                                     b. Mass  awareness  programmes  by  considering  locally  prevalent
                                         traditional practices and resources in the region.

                                     c. Yoga- Yoga sessions by a qualified Yoga instructor for general health
                                         of promotion.

                                     d. Assessment of Prakriti (psycho somatic constitution) of an individual
                                ii.  Medicinal plants for self-care: The community is being encouraged to

                                     grow important medicinal plants in the pots, kitchen gardens, home
                                     streets, parks, schools, village common land- in the region with awareness

                                     about their use in simple illnesses.


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