Page 197 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 197

g) Ayush Tele-consultation  services: During pandemic times have provided

                                a potent platform for an accessible health care delivery. Also, a digital modality
                                of healthcare services delivery,  e-Sanjeevani is gradually shaping into a

                                parallel stream for the Indian healthcare delivery system. Ayush has also been
                                on boarded in e-sanjeevani for Tele-consultation and it was quickly adopted.

                                No. of beneficiaries on Ayush e-sanjeevani OPD from 1st Feb 2022 to 26th
                                October 2022 is 7505.  The outcomes of  Ayush  Tele-consultation services

                                re-iterated the fact that it can play a very important role in providing quality
                                health and medical care to Indian citizens, particularly in under-served, remote

                                and tribal areas envisioning the dream of affordable and accessible health
                                care for all.

                            h) AYUSH PORTALS:  22 key Digital initiatives under Health Information
                                system, Research database/library, Academic and Information Education and

                                Communication (IEC) have been developed as detailed in the Chapter I.

                     5. Best Practices in Public Health:

                     5.1  National AYUSH Mission (NAM)

                            One of the initiatives is implementing a flagship scheme i.e., Centrally Sponsored
                     Scheme of National  AYUSH Mission (NAM), to support the States / Union Territory

                     Governments in developing infrastructure and improving access to  Ayush healthcare.
                     Under NAM States/UTs are implementing different activities like supply of essential

                     drugs/Medicines to the patients, Public Health Outreach  Activity, School Health
                     Programme, Ayush Gram etc. to promote holistic treatment under Ayush so as to improve

                     the general health and immunity.
                            a) Objectives:

                                 i.  To provide  AYUSH health care services throughout the country by
                                     strengthening and improving AYUSH health care services.

                                 ii.  To establish a holistic wellness model through AYUSH Health and Wellness
                                     Centres focusing on preventive and promotive health care based on

                                     AYUSH principles and practices, to reduce the disease burden and out
                                     of pocket expenditure.

                                iii.  To provide informed choice to the needy public through co-location of
                                     AYUSH facilities at PHCs, CHCs and DHs resulting in medical pluralism.

                                iv.  To emphasise the role of  AYUSH in Public Health as per NHP                     India


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