Page 198 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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v.  To  enhance  and  strengthen  the  infrastructure  of  AYUSH  educational

                             b)  Components: AYUSH services and AYUSH educational institutions

                                 a)  AYUSH Services: The main objective of AYUSH services is to enhance
                                      coverage of health care system through cost effective  AYUSH Services

                                      by focusing on core competency areas of  AYUSH through upgrading
                                      AYUSH Hospitals and Dispensaries, colocation of  AYUSH facilities at

                                      Primary Health Centres (PHCs), Community Health Centres (CHCs),
                                      District Hospitals (DHs) and setting up of 10 bedded/ 30 bedded/ 50

                                      bedded Integrated AYUSH Hospitals. Further, it also aims to operationalise
                                      a network of  AYUSH Health &  Wellness Centres to provide services

                                      based on holistic wellness model embedded in  AYUSH principles and
                                      practices, so as to empower masses for “self-care” to reduce the disease

                                      burden, and out of pocket expenditure. It is also envisaged in the reduction
                                      of communicable/non-communicable diseases through targeted public

                                      health programmes under AYUSH system of medicine.
                                 b)  Activities of the  AYUSH Services under National  AYUSH Mission:

                                      Financial assistance will be provided to the State/ UT Governments for
                                      the following Core/Essential Activities:-

                                        i.  AYUSH Health & Wellness Centres: Details provided in the Chapter I
                                        ii.  Co-location of AYUSH facilities at PHCs, CHCs and DHs

                                       iii.  Supply of essential drugs to Government AYUSH Hospitals, Government
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                           Dispensaries  and  Government/Government  aided  Teaching

                                           Institutional AYUSH Hospitals
                                        iv.  Upgradation of existing standalone Government AYUSH Hospitals

                                        v.  Upgradation of existing Government/Panchayat/Government aided
                                           AYUSH Dispensaries/ Construction of building for existing AYUSH

                                           dispensary (Rented/ dilapidated accommodation)/ Construction of
                                           building to establish new AYUSH dispensary

                                        iv.  Setting up of up to 10 bedded/ 30 bedded/ 50 bedded integrated
                                           AYUSH Hospitals

                                       vii.  AYUSH Public Health Programmes:
                                           a.  National Programme for Prevention and Management of

                                               Osteoarthritis & other Musculoskeletal Disorders


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