Page 204 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 204

f)  To conduct Yoga Programme at Aanganwadi Centres, Ministry of Ayush along

                                 with MWCD has developed Four  Yoga Modules for the beneficiaries of
                                 Aanganwadi Services namely Yoga module for Children of age 3 to 6 Years,

                                 Adolescent Girls Pregnant Ladies and Lactating Mothers. These modules are
                                 provided to  Aanganwadi workers for further dissemination and practice of

                                 the beneficiaries.
                             g)  State governments have been advised by MWCD to promote diet diversity,

                                 agroclimatic regional meal plans and adoption of  AYUSH practices in
                                 Supplementary Nutrition Programme (SNP).

                             h)  A  key  plank  of  the  goal  to  enable  the  right  kind  of  nourishment  are  the
                                 Poshan Vatikas or Nutri-gardens that are being set up across the country to

                                 provide easy and affordable access to fruits, vegetables, medicinal plants and
                                 herbs. The idea is to provide a fresh and regular supply of locally produced

                                 fruits, vegetables and medicinal plants to women and children straight from
                                 a nutri-garden at or near an Anganwadi Centre.

                             i)  Poshan Vatikas can play an important role in enhancing dietary diversity by
                                 providing key micronutrients through local fruits and vegetables. Poshan

                                 Vatikas is a good example of convergent action on-ground.  Approximately
                                 close to 450 thousand Anganwadi Centres have set up Poshan Vatikas.

                             j)  Integration of AYUSH in Poshan 2.0 (as per the guidelines of Mission
                                 Saksham Anganwadi and POshan 2.0) is done by

                                  i.  Populating Poshan Vatikas with medicinal plants and saplings, technical
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                      assistance, etc. at Ayush Wellness Centres.

                                  ii.  Integrating locally grown vegetables & food substances, red rice, various
                                      millets etc. Ghee or locally produced oils in Take Home Ration recipes.

                                 iii.  Integrating AYUSH practices/products for reducing wasting, anaemia, and
                                      low birth weight and bolster immunity.

                                 iv.  Convergence of 8 lakh AYUSH registered practitioners with States/Union
                                      Territories to derive maximum benefits.

                             k)  Ministry vide its guidelines has directed States to establish District
                                 Nutrition Committee wherein District  AYUSH-officer is one of

                                 committee member and the responsibilities include-
                                  i.  To focus on Prevention of diseases.

                                  ii.  To focus on Promotion of wellness through Yoga: Campaigns of ‘Yoga at
                                      Home, Yoga with Family’ at AWCs and households.


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