Page 12 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 12

Traditional Medicine Systems of


                     1.  Traditional Medicine Systems in Bangladesh

                            Bangladesh is one of the most densely populated countries in the world, with

                     169.4 million and committed to becoming a developing country by 2021 & developed
                     and prosperous country by 2041.  Health is the important indicator to achieving  that
                     goal so in recent time an extensive modification has been done on public and private

                     sectors of health in Bangladesh.  Traditional Medicine (TM) is one of the important

                     contributing parts for improvising the total health system in Bangladesh. Here, traditional
                     medicine  consists  of  Unani System  of  medicine,  Ayurvedic Systems of  Medicine,  and
                     Herbal medicine.

                     2.  Country Policy
                            •  In 2005, the TM was included in the National Health Policy of Bangladesh.

                            •  1982, for the first time, Unani and  Ayurvedic medicine was included in the

                              National Drug Policy.
                            •  The Unani and Ayurvedic Practitioners Ordinance was formed in 1983.
                            •  In 1998, 1  sector HPSP project (1998-2003), 2  sector HPNSP (2003-2011),
                              3  sector HPNSDP (2011-2017) & 4  sector started from 2017 and are
                              continuing for the development of Unani and Ayurvedic systems of medicine
                            •  In Bangladesh, TM Doctors and Allopathic Doctors are practising in the same

                              government infrastructures for managing Primary to Tertiary levels of care. TM         Bangladesh

                              and Allopathic Systems of Medicine jointly working under the control of The
                              National Health Policy.


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