Page 8 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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                            Traditional medicine knowledge is invaluable due to its cultural heritage, holistic
                     approach, and potential for complementary healthcare. It offers insights into centuries-

                     old practices, utilising natural remedies and holistic methodologies.  This knowledge,
                     passed down through generations, provides alternative solutions and complements
                     conventional medicine. It is particularly relevant in treating chronic illnesses, fostering

                     well-being, and preserving cultural identity.
                            Traditional medicine holds significance within the framework of BIMSTEC
                     cooperation as it embodies the diverse cultural and healthcare heritage of member states.

                     It serves as a common ground for collaboration, fostering exchange of knowledge,
                     experiences, and best practices. The mutual information-sharing of traditional medicine

                     systems and policies facilitates cross-border cooperation, scientific research, and sustainable
                     utilisation of natural resources.  The collaboration under the Plan of  Action of the
                     BIMSTEC Task Force on Traditional Medicine not only strengthens regional ties but also

                     underscores  our  shared  commitment  towards  preserving and integrating traditional
                     medicine into the national healthcare system of each member state.

                            The Ministry of Public Health, through the Department of Thai Traditional and
                     Alternative Medicine (DTAM),  Thailand, takes pride in leading the creation of the
                     “Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report”. This

                     initiative aligns with Strategy i: Sharing knowledge, experience, and information regarding
                     different  Traditional Medicine systems, services, products, and raw materials among
                     BIMSTEC Member States. This comprehensive report comprises two chapters: the first

                     explores the  Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Countries, while the second
                     highlights Best Practices from each respective nation.
                            We truly believe that this report will facilitate the exchange and sharing of

                     information, and the dissemination of knowledge related to traditional medicine among
                     BIMSTEC member countries and contribute to the strengthening of traditional medicine

                     systems in our region.

                                                                 Dr. Taweesin Visanuyothin

                                                                     Director - General
                                                  Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine


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