Page 15 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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six months internship conducted by four-year final examination under the regulation of

                      Unani and Ayurvedic Board.

                      7. Regulatory System

                             Bachelor doctors are regulated by Unani, Ayurvedic & Homoeopathic Graduate
                      Practitioners Registration Council (Interim) under DGHS. Diploma physicians are

                      regulated by the Bangladesh Unani & Ayurvedic Board.

                      8. Regulatory System of TM Products

                             The TM products are regulated by National Drug Policy and currently more than
                      550 manufacturers (Unani 275, Ayurvedic 201 and Herbal 40) are producing traditional

                      medicine in Bangladesh. It is reported that nearly 600 registered products of TM are
                      available in the local market of Bangladesh.  All the products are certified from Drug

                      Testing Laboratory (DTL), Bangladesh. A QC flow chart as below-

                           Applied for         AD mark to                      Report to         If ok,
                          certification in      DTL under        Test done       AD at        approved by
                        section at DGDA          DGDA             By DTL        DGDA          DD, DGDA

                                                                                             Final approval
                                                                                               from DG,

              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report

                      9. National TM Pharmacopoeias

                             The GOB has a total of 10 pharmacopoeias (Unani-05, Ayurvedic-05) that includes
                      total 500 single monographs (Unani-250, Ayurvedic-250).


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