Page 72 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
P. 72

13.  Challenges (Global) for Traditional Medicine

                            A.  Mainstreaming of Traditional Medicine

                            B.   Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3) through Universal Health

                                Coverage and Health Security goals
                            C.  Fragile Health Care Systems especially post Covid-19 times
                            D.  Insufficient spending on Health

                            E.   Lack of Research data on Traditional Medicine for ensuring safety, quality

                                and effectiveness of Traditional Medicine products and services
                            F.   Trade barriers for Traditional Medicine products
                            G.  Skilled Human Resource in Traditional Medicine

                     14.  Way Forward

                            A.  To restructure the GDP driven economy to Wellbeing economy valuing the

                                Health & Wellbeing of People and Planet and perceiving the financing on

                                health encompassing Traditional Medicine as investment for building stable
                                and resilient economies.
                            B.  To build well-functioning, people-centred sustainable and resilient holistic

                                healthcare systems that balance preventive, promotive and curative services,

                                the Countries  may  integrate best  of Traditional  Medicine  and Conventional
                                Medicine for achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 3) through
                                Universal Health Coverage and Health Security goals.

                            C.  Countries may define the role of Traditional Medicine in national policies

                                ensuring the safety, quality and effectiveness of Traditional Medicine products
                                and services including education and practices, increasing coverage and
                                equitable access, and fostering evidence generation, research and innovation.

                            D.  Countries may foster greater understanding, mutual respect and to initiate

                                cross referrals between traditional and modern practitioners, considering the
                                strengths of their systems, in the better interest of the public health.
                            E.  Countries may collaborate and harness the potential areas of  Traditional

                                Medicine like education, research, trade and practices for preparation of

                                strategic roadmap in mitigating challenges for promoting and developing
                                evidence-based Traditional Medicine into their healthcare delivery systems.
                            F.  Countries may device measures to standardise the  Traditional Medicine

                                products for its safety and efficacy, do capacity building, re-skilling and up-

                                skilling, of practitioners, to imbibe the culture of documentation, knowledge        India


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