Page 67 - Traditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
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11. National Medicinal Plants Board:

                             In order to promote medicinal plants sector, Government of India set up National

                      Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) on 24th November 2000.  The primary mandate of

                      NMPB is to develop an appropriate mechanism for coordination between various
                      ministries/ departments/ organisation and implementation of support policies/programmes
                      for overall (conservation, cultivation, trade and export) growth of medicinal plants sector

                      both at the Central /State and International level.

                      Key Achievements of NMPB:

                       Activities                          National Mission on Medicinal       Central Sector
                                                           Plants (NMMP)/National Ayush        Scheme
                                                           Mission (NAM)
                       Area covered                        2,35,273 Ha. (Cultivation of        1,02,026.13 Ha.
                                                           medicinal plants)                   (Conservation/
                                                           50,000 ha. area under contractual
                                                           farming scheme from the financial
                                                           year 2001-02 to 2007-08
                       Number of Farmers supported         1,50,929 Farmers                    4,612 Farmers

                       No. of Farmers Trained              19,061                              11,456
                       Number of Clusters                  6,076                               -
                       Nurseries Seed Germplasm Centre  1,278 Nurseries & 10 (SGC)             93 Nurseries
                       Post-harvest Management units 629                                       1175 Joint Forest
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                       (Storage/Drying Shed/District                                           Management
                       Collection Centre/Semi-Processing                                       Committee)
                       Herbal Garden supported             -                                   24,000 (approx.)
                       (National/State level importance,
                       School & Home Herbal Gardens)

                       IEC activities: Promotional &       235                                 303
                       Awareness activities including
                       Exhibitions, Arogya Fairs,
                       Workshops, Conferences &
                       Research & Development              -                                   418
                       Agro-technology development,
                       Studies supported for nursery
                       techniques, Standardisation etc.


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