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medicines. The spectrum of coverage is broad, encompassing all eight divisions

                                 of Ayurveda along with History, Descriptions of herbal remedies, useful for
                                 the treatment of human aliments etc. It also deals with clinical and

                                 pharmacological  evaluation  of  herbs,  minerals,  metals  and  animal  products,
                                 validation of food remedies, phytochemistry, ethnomedicine, survey of medicinal

                                 plants, nutraceuticals, drug standardisation, biotechnology, agriculture,
                                 horticulture, pharmacovigilance etc. relating to medicinal plants.

                             d) Journal of  Ayurveda (JoA)

                                       Journal  of  Ayurveda  (Online  ISSN:  2582-7693  and  Print  ISSN:
                                 2321-0435), a publication of National Institute of Ayurveda, Deemed to be

                                 University (De - novo), is a peer-reviewed print + online Quarterly journal
                                 and enlisted in UGC Care. The journal aims at continuous contribution for

                                 research, education and propagation of Ayush and interdisciplinary Sciences.
                                 JOAY includes articles related to health, ethical and social issues in the field

                                 of Literary, Pre-Clinical and Clinical Research.  The Journal publish several
                                 types of articles like editorial, letter to editor, preclinical study, clinical study,

                                 survey study, analytical study, review, case report etc.
                             e) Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports (AyuCaRe)

                                       Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports (AyuCaRe) is a Quarterly Journal of
                                 All India Institute of  Ayurveda (AIIA).  AyuCaRe is a multidisciplinary and

                                 peer-reviewed journal publishing Case Reports from clinical specialties and
              T raditional Medicine Systems of BIMSTEC Member States – 2023 Report
                                 provides opportunities for students, researchers and faculty of Ayurveda and

                                 allied medical sciences to be a part of it. Journal is enlisted into UGC-CARE
                                 list in the name of Journal of Ayurveda Case Reports.

                             f)  Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy (IJRH)  https://www.ijrh.

                                       Indian  Journal  of  Research  in  Homoeopathy  (IJRH)  with  print ISSN:
                                 0974-7168 and E-ISSN: 2320-7094 is an internationally acclaimed official

                                 publication of Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy, New Delhi,
                                 publishing quarterly in print as well as online. Since the first issue in 2007,

                                 they have published 14 volumes comprising 50 issues with research articles
                                 on Homoeopathy. The Journal was made open access online in July 2013

                                 and is following rigorous double-blind peer-review process to provide
                                 constructive feedback to authors to improve submission quality.  To ensure


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